WATSON (Inverugie/Ellon) Peacefully, at Kirkburn Court Care Home, Peterhead, on Wednes- day, January 4, 2023, Mary (Bunty) Low, aged 97 years. Dearly loved wife of the late Henry (Harry), a much loved and loving mummy of Kathleen, Alison, Esme, Frances and the late James, a dear mother- in-law and a proud and devoted granny and great-granny. Very sadly missed. Celebration for Bunty's life to be held in The Almanythie Hall, Grange Road, Peterhead, on Thursday, February 9, at 12.30pm, to which all friends are respectfully invited and thereafter to Ellon Cemetery. No flowers please, but if so desired, donations in lieu of flowers at the hall door for Kirkburn Court Residents Fund. For those unable to attend, Bunty's celebration can be viewed using the following link https://youtube.com/live/6aUF2X-hNtw? feature=share
03 February 2023
Please accept our condolences at this difficult time.